

A character can tip (send) another character with the token $MIRA.


$MIRA is a token that is used to tip other users. It is an ERC-20 token on the Crossbell Blockchain. For more information on $MIRA, please refer to the $MIRA Token page.

Send Tips

Tip a Character

For example, you are character 42 and you want to tip character 43 with 10 $MIRA.

First we need to get the token deciamls:

const decimals = await // 18 on Crossbell

The token decimals is 18 on Crossbell blockchain. You can hardcode it if you want. But this step is recommended for the sake of future compatibility.

Then we need to calculate the amount of $MIRA to tip:

const amount = 10 * 10 ** decimals // 10 * 10^18

You can also use the parseUnits (opens in a new tab) function from ethers (opens in a new tab) library to do this. For example, ethers.utils.parseUnits('10', decimals).

Then we can tip the character:

  fromCharacterId: 42, // from character
  toCharacterId: 43, // to character
  amount: amount, // amount of $MIRA to tip

To bring it all together:

const decimals = await
const amount = 10 * 10 ** decimals
  fromCharacterId: 42,
  toCharacterId: 43,

Tip a Character For a Note

For example, you are character 42 and you want to tip character 43 with 10 $MIRA for the note 5 they wrote.

  fromCharacterId: 42, // from character
  toCharacterId: 43, // to character
  toNoteId: 5, // note id
  amount, // amount of $MIRA to tip

This actaully does the same thing as tipCharacter. The tip will go to the character's wallet. The note ID here is just for the purpose of tracking to which the tip is for.

Please refer to the Tip Contract API (opens in a new tab) page for more information.

Query $MIRA Balance

Query a Character's $MIRA Balance

For example, you want to query character 42's $MIRA balance.

const balance = await{ characterId: 42 })

The return value is a wei string, so you may want to convert it to the ether unit:

const decimals = await
const balanceInEther = balance / 10 ** decimals

To avoid the floating point precision issue, you can use the formatUnits (opens in a new tab) function from ethers (opens in a new tab) library:

import { formatUnits } from 'ethers'
const balanceInEther = formatUnits(balance, decimals)

To bring it all together:

import { formatUnits } from 'ethers'
const decimals = await
const balance = await{ characterId: 42 })
const balanceInEther = formatUnits(balance, decimals)

Query an Address's $MIRA Balance

For example, you want to query address 0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890's $MIRA balance.

const balance = await{
  address: '0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890',

The rest of it is the same as the example above.

Note that it is recommended to use getMiraBalanceOfCharacter in your app. Because if get the balance of an address and take it the balance of a character, it will not work as expected for newbie-village characters because they share the same address.

Query Tips

You can query tips from the indexer.

For example, to check the tip history (sending from) of character 42:

const { list } = await{
  characterId: 42,

To check the tip history (receiving to) of character 43:

const { list } = await{
  toCharacterId: 43,

To check the tip history (receiving to) of character 43 for the note 5:

const { list } = await{
  toCharacterId: 43,
  toNoteId: 5,

To check if character 42 has tipped character 43:

const { list } = await{
  characterId: 42,
  toCharacterId: 43,