Getting Started

Getting Started

crossbell is a VanillaJS library containing everything you need to start working with Crossbell.


Install crossbell.

npm i crossbell

Import Contract

Import crossbell:

import { createContract } from 'crossbell'
const contract = createContract(window.ethereum)

Use Contract

Now we can use the contract to interact with the Crossbell protocol.

// Example Read API: Get a character by ID
const { data } = await contract.character.get({ characterId: 10 });
// Example Write API: Create a new character for an address
try {
  const result = await contract.character.create({
    owner: '0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890',
    handle: 'Jason',
    metadataOrUri: 'ipfs://xxxx/metadata.json',
  console.log( // 42 (characterId)
  console.log(result.transactionHash) // '0xabcdef...'
} catch (e) {
  console.error(e.message) // e.g. "execution reverted: Web3Entry: HandleExists"

Want to learn more? Continue on reading the documentation.

You can start by reading the Guides, and learn the details of every API in the API Reference.