Link/Mint Module Metadata

Link/Mint Module Metadata

A Link/Mint Module is an attachable module for characters and notes that is triggered when a user attempts to link or mint.


For instance, the ApproveMintModule is used to limit minting to a select group of addresses. A user can set this module to a note, and when other users try to mint the note, the ApproveMintModule will be activated to verify if the minting is permissible.

The metadata of the module is:

  "id": "ApprovalMintModule",
  "type": "mint",
  "address": "0x328610484ba1fAAE0fCDEe44990D199cD84c8608",
  "name": "ApprovalMintModule",
  "description": "Only allow a restricted group of addresses to mint the note, with limited number of mints",
  "icon": "",
  "authorCharacterId": 10,
  "initDataStructure": [
      "label": "Allowed Addresses",
      "description": "The whitelisted group of addresses to mint this note",
      "type": "address[]"
      "label": "Approved Amount",
      "description": "The number of nfts available to mint",
      "type": "uint256"

Schema Definition

export interface MintOrLinkModule {
  /* Global unique id */
  id: string
  /* Type of the module */
  type: 'mint' | 'link'
  /* The contract address of this module */
  address: string
  /* Display name */
  name: string
  /* Display Description */
  description: string
  /* Module icon, an image url, in 256*256px */
  icon?: string
  /* The character id of the author */
  authorCharacterId?: number
  /* Data structure of init data, a form to fill out in frontend */
  initDataStructure: {
    /* Label of this field */
    label: string
    /* Data type of this field. E.g. "address[]", "uint256", ... see */
    type: string
    /* Description of this field */
    description: string
    /* Whether or not required, default: true */
    required?: boolean
  /* Published date string */
  createdAt?: string