Character and Note
- Each character is created by an Ethereum address, aka, the creator, and can be mint to any Ethereum address.
- Each note is only able to be posted under a character that the note creator owns.
- Each character contains multiple notes.
- Each Ethereum address can own multiple characters.
- Each Ethereum address can set a primary character for itself.
- All Crossbell instances(Ethereum address, character, note, general asset, single link item, link list) have an instance URI.
- Link can be emitted from either character or note. Link can point to any instance on Crossbell or any external URI. Each link has a link type.
- Character owner and note owner can set a link module for his character and each of his notes. The link module will be triggered during each link action.
- All linking objects with the same link type and emitted from a character make up a link list.
- All linking objects with the same link type and emitted from a note don’t make up a link list.
- Each Ethereum address can own multiple linklists.
- Each character is natively an NFT. Each note is natively not.
- Each link list is natively an NFT. Every single link is not.
- Linklist NFT is bound to the character NFT.
- The character owner is the owner of that character NFT. It suggests that the character owner isn’t necessary to be the character creator since character NFT can be transferred.
- Note owner is the owner of the character to which belongs. It suggests that the note owner isn’t necessary to be the note creator since character NFT can be transferred.
- Mint can be acted on a note.
- Mint can be acted from any Ethereum address to some selected Ethereum address.
- Note owner can set a mint module, which will be triggered during each mint action.
- Error emitting from the link module will be omitted. Error emitting from the mint module will be reverted.