

A "link" is a component that links two things on Crossbell together. It can be a link between two characters, a character or a note, etc.

All links start from a "source" and end at a "target". You can consider it as an arrow that points from the source to the target.

The source of a link must be a character; the target can be a character, a note, an address, an ERC721 token, a linklist, or any URI.

graph demonstarte link

Every link has a "linkType" which is a string that describes the type of the link. For example, "follow", "like", "favorite", etc. It can be used to describe the relationship between two components.

Create a Link

To create a link, you need to call the link* function of the contract. Here are all the link functions:

For example, to create a link between two characters, you can call the linkCharacter function:

// character ID 42 follows character ID 43
const { data } = await{
  fromCharacterId: 42,
  toCharacterId: 43,
  linkType: 'follow',
console.log(data) // linklist ID

The linkCharacter function takes three parameters:

  • characterId: the ID of the source character
  • targetCharacterId: the ID of the target character
  • linkType: the type of the link, e.g. "follow"

The function returns the ID of the linklist that contains the link.

Please refer to the contract API doc for more details about each link function.

Link Type

In the above example, we use the string "follow" as the link type. The link type is a string that describes the relationship between the source and the target. It can be any string you want as long as your application can understand it.

Here is a list of link types that are commonly used by the Crossbell ecosystem:

  • follow: the source follows the target
  • like: the source likes the target


A linklist is an NFT created by the contract when you create a link of a unique type. For example:

  1. If character 42 "follow"s character 43, the contract will create a linklist NFT and mint it to character 42. The linklist NFT contains all the links of the same type "follow" that character 42 has created.
  2. Then if character 42 "follow"s another character 44, the linklist NFT will be updated to include the new link.
  3. Then if character 42 "like"s character 43, the contract will create another linklist NFT and mint it to character 42.

The linklist NFT is a Character Bound Token, which means it is bound to a character. It cannot be transferred to another character.

Remove a Link

To remove a link, you need to call the unlink* function of the contract. Here are all the unlink functions:

For example, to remove a link between two characters, you can call the unlinkCharacter function:

// character ID 42 unfollows character ID 43
  fromCharacterId: 42,
  toCharacterId: 43,
  linkType: 'follow',

The unlinkCharacter function takes three parameters:

  • characterId: the ID of the source character
  • targetCharacterId: the ID of the target character
  • linkType: the type of the link, e.g. "follow"

Please refer to the contract API doc for more details about each unlink function.


Follow and Unfollow a Character

As mentioned above, the link type "follow" is commonly used to describe the relationship between two characters.

Follow and Unfollow

For example, if character 42 follows character 43:

// character ID 42 follows character ID 43
const { data } = await contract.linkCharacter(42, 43, 'follow')
console.log(data) // linklist ID

Then if character 42 unfollows character 43:

// character ID 42 unfollows character ID 43
  fromCharacterId: 42,
  toCharacterId: 43,
  linkType: 'follow',

Get All Followings and Followers

How can we know all the following of character 42? We can use the indexer API to query all the "follow" links of character 42:

const result = await, {
  linkType: 'follow',
  linkItemType: 'Character',
console.log(result.list) // all the "follow" links of character 42

The indexer API returns a list of links. Each link has a toCharacter field that contains the ID of the target character.

How can we know all the followers of character 43? We can use the indexer API to query all the "follow" backlinks of character 43:

const result = await, {
  linkType: 'follow',
console.log(result.list) // all the "follow" links that have character 43 as the target

The indexer API returns a list of links. Each link has a fromCharacter field that contains the ID of the source character.

Get the Following Relationship of Two Characters

How can we know if character 42 follows character 43? We can use the indexer API to query all the "follow" links of character 42 that have character 43 as the target to be as a filter:

const result = await, {
  toCharacterId: 43,
  linkType: 'follow',
  linkItemType: 'Character',
console.log(result.list) // the list may contain 0 or 1 link

If the list contains 1 link (which describe that character 42 follows 43), then we know that character 42 follows character 43. Otherwise, character 42 does not follow character 43.

Derived Case: Like and Unlike a Note

We can use the same approach to implement the "like" relationship between a character and a note.

For example:

// character ID 42 likes note ID 43-5 (the 5th note of character 43)
const { data } = await contract.linkNote(42, 43, 5, 'like')
console.log(data) // linklist ID
// character ID 42 unlikes note ID 43-5
  fromCharacterId: 42,
  toCharacterId: 43,
  toNoteId: 5,
  linkType: 'like'

To query:

// get all the notes that character 42 likes
const result = await, {
  linkType: 'like',
  linkItemType: 'Note',
console.log(result.list) // all the "like" links of character 42
// get all the characters that like note 43-5
const result = await, 5, {
  linkType: 'like',
console.log(result.list) // all the "like" links that have note 43-5 as the target
// get the like relationship between character 42 and note 43-5
const result = await, {
  toCharacterId: 43,
  toNoteId: 5,
  linkType: 'like',
  linkItemType: 'Note',
console.log(result.list) // the list may contain 0 or 1 link